In alignment with SB 1383, California's organics law, RecycleSmart performs annual route reviews to educate residents on how to use their three—blue, green and black—carts properly.
During a route review, an inspector will come by to do a visual “lid flip” to make sure the items in your carts are sorted correctly. If they see items in a cart that do not belong, they might leave an outreach tag with helpful tips and suggestions. You can get a gold star by keeping these common items (contaminants) out of your green organics cart:
- Plastic bags
- Pet waste (even in compostable bags)
- Food in any packaging (rotisserie chicken still in plastic, fish still on foil, etc.)
- Coated paper foodware (paper coffee cups, shiny to-go boxes, etc.)
- Glass containers
- Treated or large wood with nails
- Irrigation equipment and planters with plants still in them
Learn more about the green organics cart at