RecycleSmart 5 R's
Truck Sign Art Contest
We’re looking for young artists in our service area to help us create our 2025 truck signs!
These highly visible signs are placed on both sides of the Republic Services collection trucks that pick up our recycling, organics and trash. All those in 3rd through 12th grades are invited to participate in the truck sign art contest by creating art that highlights any or all the 5 R’s to raise awareness and encourage everyone to prevent and reduce waste, compost organics and/or sort our three material streams (recycling, organics and trash) properly.
Three winners will be chosen, and the signs will be up on the Republic Services trucks throughout our communities for one year!
RecycleSmart Five R's
Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Rot
Artwork Submission Requirements:
- Artwork must be submitted via email to before 5:00 PM on January 12, 2025.
- Artwork submission must include Full Name, Age, Complete Address (in the RecycleSmart service area) and School (if applicable).
- Artwork should be original (no: AI, plagiarism, or tracing).
- Size 14″ Wide x 5″ High Landscape PDF.
- Types of art accepted include digital, photography, pen, pencil, charcoal, paint, and more!
Days Until Artwork Is Due!