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Thank you for your order of a Soilsaver compost bin. Please quickly ‘certify‘ your home composting efforts for a discount on your Republic Services trash bill. Sign up for a composting workshop! More information on composting with worms here. Interested in school classroom trainings?
Food Recycling Project Participants
The Food Recycling Project creates electricity from commercial food waste. It works like this: Discarded foods are taken to EBMUD’s wastewater treatment facility in Oakland, rather than a landfill. At the facility, the food is added to large “digesters” that are primarily used to process sewage waste. All the waste is anaerobically digested, which produces […]
2019 Waste Reduction Student Scholarships
Congratulations to our 2019 Student Scholarship Recipients! Rohith Moolakatt – Northgate High School Rohith first became involved in environmental issues as a seventh grader when became concerned about the California drought. After his sophomore year at Northgate High School he attended a program to study climate change and marine science in UC San Diego for […]
Communications Survey
Please answer the few questions below to help ensure our communications provide you with useful information about recycling.
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Your input will help us boost the recycling programs and services we offer you.
Thank You!
Thank you for submitting your compost certification. We will review the form and will be in touch with you soon.
Buy a Soilsaver Compost Bin
Purchase a Soilsaver Compost Bin for $35.00 including tax and shipping! Once you start composting, or if you already are composting at home, don’t forget to complete our simple application to become a “Certified Home Composter” for a $1.50 per month discount on your Republic Services bill ($4.50 per quarter).
Privacy Policy
This site is operated by Moore Iacofano Goltsman, Inc. (MIG) for RecycleSmart. We are committed to protecting the privacy of users of this website. As part of the normal operation of this website, we collect information from you. This Privacy Statement describes the information we collect about you and how that information may be used. […]
Residential Food Scraps Program
Republic Services will provide a small kitchen pail for free every two years. The container has a tight sealing lid and handle. You can store it under the sink, in a cabinet or even in your freezer. Call Republic Services at 925-685-4711 to request a free pail. Scrape your plates, toss in that apple core, pour in the leftover gravy […]