Is YOUR School a Waste Buster?


Wastebusters Program

We’ll make it easy—and free!—to start a Wastebusters program at your school or for an entire school district. We developed an action plan for school coordinators and will supply all the tools you need to reduce school waste going to landfill. The goal is to divert 75% of all items away from landfill bins and into either recycling or organic composting bins. And we’ll reward schools that achieve that rate with up to $1,500.

Schools within the RecycleSmart service area can earn:

  • $1,500 for reaching 75% diversion and above (first year)
  • $1,000 for maintaining 75% diversion and above
  • $500 for reaching 50% diversion

In order to qualify, schools need to meet certain criteria, including a comprehensive collection system and clear signage on the recycling, food scrap and compostable containers throughout the campus. The schools need to convene a school wide Green Team to help promote and monitor the recycling and food scrap programs and do a promotional activity like an assembly or lunchtime presentation during the year.

To earn your reward, please complete the Wastebuster Application

About the Wastebusters Program

To get started, use this action plan below to set up your Wastebusters program. Contact the coordinator listed at each step for guidance and assistance.

  • Visit a pilot school at lunch time to observe procedures (coordinator, principal, custodian), Ruth Abbe
  • Conduct a waste audit/“binventory”, Nancy Deming
  • Meet with coordinator, principal, custodian and Wastebusters contact to discuss action plan/equipment/start date, Ruth Abbe
  • Schedule assembly or presentation prior to start date (plan your own or schedule with Wastebusters), Jessica Robinson
  • Order equipment and print lesson plans, letter for parents, posters, Ruth Abbe
  • Identify students to be Compost Monitors (a class, grade or club), Jessica Robinson
  • Train Compost Monitors, Jessica Robinson
  • Train teachers on the lesson plan to conduct on the start date, Ruth Abbe
  • Schedule parent volunteers to assist with monitoring for the first month, Coordinate with your PTA or Green Team or ask us for help
  • Send letter to parents notifying them of the new program and the start date, Ruth Abbe
  • Work with custodial staff to stage lunch stations, distribute bins, Coordinate with custodial staff/principal, Ruth Abbe
  • Distribute lesson plans and posters, Coordinate with your teachers, Ruth Abbe
  • Monitor and provide feedback, Ruth Abbe
  • Identify coordinator to provide on-going support for the next school year, Coordinate with your PTA or Green Team or ask us for help

Action Plan Coordinators


Click here for free bins, lesson plans, posters and signage.

Foothill Middle School Eck Club