Save water: recycle!
Save water: recycle!
Over the years, we've repeated the mantra “Empty, Clean and Dry,” encouraging folks to dry out food containers so that paper recyclables stay clean.
But what about water—we're in a drought, right? Great news: Recycling is a great way to conserve water.
When we properly recycle materials, we save valuable natural resources, like energy and water, by not having to make new stuff.
Did you know that it takes:
And you can recycle without having to use water, too! Wiping out jars or using dishwashing water runoff to clean them are simple ways we can make sure all our recyclables have the best chance at a new life. Find out more ways inside this issue→
31 Days to go Plastic-Free
Sign up for the global Plastic Free July challenge today! You'll join millions of people around the world working to reduce or eliminate plastic pollution with everyday actions. From parties to travel, the site has tips for everything!

Big numbers from 2021
We get the most questions about how to manage plastic items. Here's a guide to help you sort them:

Where it goes

Costco keeps the waste low

Way to go, Costco! Ever wonder where the store's food waste and packaging end up? At the Danville location, Costco operates its own food waste compactor to help reduce its volume of waste and efficiently process it for collection. The store even has a machine that flattens cardboard for easy recycling!
With the help of dedicated staff who de-package food products and sort the different types of waste, Costco is significantly reducing the amount of waste that goes to the landfill. By ensuring that items are properly recycled and disposed of correctly, Costco's waste streams stay clean. That makes it easier for Republic to collect, too.
In addition to reducing their overall waste, Costco has a food recovery and donation program. Each day excess edible food gets picked up by local food recovery organizations. RecycleSmart and CalRecycle staff who recently visited the facility were very impressed by the operation. Gold star, Danville Costco!

Save Water: Use Compost
That's right, just 2-3 inches of compost on your garden beds will help the soil hold water. For more tips and info about getting started with compost, visit
A tip from Rishi G., Moraga
More than a drop in the bucket

With the drought still going on, I thought I'd share a tip from my shower.
While the water heats up for my shower, I collect it in a small bucket. The water is perfectly clean because it's straight out of the faucet, so I use it to water my houseplants, garden, and even for my dog!
One more water tip: If I take a bath or soak my feet in epsom salts, I'll use that water in the garden, too. It's good for the plants in small quantities!
Do you have any tips you’d like to share?
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