Volunteer with Local Food Recovery Organizations

Volunteer with Local Food Recovery Organizations Help reduce food waste to landfill and feed our local community. These highly visible signs are placed on both sides of the Republic Services collection trucks that pick up our recycling, organics and trash. All those in 3rd through 12th grades are invited to participate in the truck sign […]

Thank you for pledging to inform others of proper food scrap disposal!

It’s OK to play with your food! Send us your photos of fun ways you compost and save your scraps:authority@recyclesmart.org Let’s be fur real: your pets wouldn’t waste food on your plate. We shouldn’t waste food either. Give your food scraps a new leash on life and throw them into the green organics cart. Green […]

We Don’t Trash Food. We Throw Food Scraps In The Green Cart.

Pledge Form I pledge to inform a family member, friend, co-worker or neighbor that food is not trash, and that all food scraps can go in the green organics cart. https://player.vimeo.com/video/714251207 Let’s be fur real: your pets wouldn’t waste food on your plate. We shouldn’t waste food either. Give your food scraps a new leash […]

SB 1383 Tier One & Tier Two Edible Food Generators

California state law SB 1383 and RecycleSmart Ordinance No. 21-1 require “Tier One” and “Tier Two” Commercial Edible Food Generators to donate the maximum amount of excess edible food to feed people. Some requirements include:  A contract or written agreement must be maintained with all Food Recovery Organizations that pick up or receive edible food. A record must […]

Local and Statewide Waste Laws & Policies

  LOCAL ORDINANCES City of Walnut Creek Polystyrene Ban Ordinance Plastic Bag Ban Ordinance Contra Costa County Polystyrene Ban Ordinance  City of Lafayette Single-Use Carryout Bag Ordinance City of Orinda Polystyrene Ban Ordinance  RecycleSmart Ordinances 15-1; Mandatory Commercial Recycling 16-1; Administrative Citations 19-1; Construction and Demolition Debris 21-1; Mandatory Organic Waste Disposal Reduction STATEWIDE RECYCLING AND ORGANICS […]

Composting Organics Is Now The Law for Everyone in California!

  California’s Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Strategy In September 2016, the Governor set methane emissions reduction targets for California (SB 1383 Lara, Chapter 395, Statutes of 2016) in a statewide effort to reduce emissions of short-lived climate pollutants (SLCP). California must: Reduce organic waste disposal by 50% by 2020 and 75% by 2025. Rescue for […]

Food Waste Reduction and Recovery

Person with gloves serving soup to another person.

Feeding Hungry People and Reducing Food Waste The State of California estimates that over 30% of the material going to local landfills is organic material, which includes food, while one out of every six people in Contra Costa County are food insecure and struggle to find their next meal.  When we make the most of our […]